Package-level declarations


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interface Field<V>

A field is a single input in a form. It has a name, a value, and a set of errors.

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typealias FieldError = String

Represents a single error message in the field.

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Represents multiple error messages in the field.

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typealias FieldName = String

This field name is used to uniquely identify a field within a form.

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data class FieldPolicy(val validationTrigger: FieldValidationTrigger = FieldValidationTrigger, val validationDelay: FieldValidationDelay = FieldValidationDelay())

Represents the settings for field-related policies, such as validation behavior.

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Enumerates the timings when field validation is performed.

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data class FieldValidationDelay(val onMount: Duration = Duration.ZERO, val onChange: Duration = 250.milliseconds, val onBlur: Duration = Duration.ZERO)

Represents the settings for delayed execution of field validation.

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Represents the timings that trigger field validation.

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data class FormPolicy(val field: FieldPolicy = FieldPolicy(), val submission: SubmissionPolicy = SubmissionPolicy())

Represents the settings for the overall form policy.

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fun interface FormRule<T>

Represents a rule that can be applied to a form field.

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typealias FormRules<T> = Map<FieldName, FormRule<T>>
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class FormValidationException(val errors: FormErrors, cause: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeException

Exception used for handling validation errors during the submission process.

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interface Submission

A submission represents the submission control of a form.

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data class SubmissionPolicy(val preValidation: Boolean = true, val preValidationDelay: SubmissionPreValidationDelay = SubmissionPreValidationDelay())

Represents the settings for submission-related policies, such as pre-validation behavior.

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data class SubmissionPreValidationDelay(val onMount: Duration = 200.milliseconds, val onChange: Duration = 200.milliseconds)

Represents the settings for delayed execution of pre-validation.

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fun interface ValidationRule<V>

Represents a validation rule for a form field.

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Builder for creating a set of validation rules.

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A set of validation rules.


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Syntax sugar representing that there are no errors in the field.


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fun fieldError(vararg messages: String): FieldErrors

Creates error messages for a field.

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Creates a set of validation rules.