Package-level declarations


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typealias QueriesErrorReset = () -> Unit


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Automatically generated value for mutationId and subscriptionId.


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Automatically generated value for mutationId and subscriptionId.

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fun KeepAlive(key: InfiniteQueryKey<*, *>, client: QueryClient = LocalQueryClient.current)

Keep the infinite query alive.

fun KeepAlive(key: MutationKey<*, *>, client: MutationClient = LocalMutationClient.current)

Keep the mutation alive.

fun KeepAlive(key: QueryKey<*>, client: QueryClient = LocalQueryClient.current)

Keep the query alive.

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inline fun <T> MutatedEffect(mutation: MutationObject<T, *>, noinline block: suspend (data: T) -> Unit)
fun <T, U : Any> MutatedEffect(mutation: MutationObject<T, *>, keySelector: (MutationSuccessObject<T, *>) -> U, keySaver: Saver<U?, out Any> = autoSaver(), block: suspend (data: T) -> Unit)

A Composable function to trigger side effects when a Mutation is successfully processed.

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fun rememberQueriesErrorReset(filter: ResumeQueriesFilter = remember { ResumeQueriesFilter(predicate = { it.isFailure }) }, client: SwrClient = LocalSwrClient.current): QueriesErrorReset

Remember a QueriesErrorReset to resume all queries with filter matched.