Package-level declarations
Interface providing settings related to the internal behavior of an Actor.
Scheduler for batching tasks.
Factory for creating BatchScheduler instances.
Key for referencing external instances needed when executing query, mutation and more.
Receiver for referencing external instances needed when executing query, mutation and more.
Builder for setting external instances needed when executing query, mutation and more.
A type used to handle side effects.
An interface to access contextual information within an Effect operation.
A class representing one of the property types referenced within an Effect operation.
Error information that can be received via a back-channel such as ErrorRelay or onError
options for Query/Mutation.
An interface for relaying error information via a back-channel when an error occurs during execution, regardless of Query/Mutation.
A policy for relaying error information.
Filter for invalidating targets.
Interface providing settings for logging output for debugging purposes.
Interface for receiving events of memory pressure.
Levels of memory pressure.
Interface for receiving events of network connectivity.
Events of network connectivity.
Priority queue implementation.
Filter for removing targets.
Filter for resuming targets.
Callback function to notify the execution of retry logic.
Interface providing settings for retry logic.
A surrogate key for unique identifiers.
A time-based cache that evicts entries based on their time-to-live (TTL).
Interface for receiving events of window visibility.
Events of window visibility.
Combines two Reply instances using the provided transform function. If either Reply has no reply yet (Reply.None), returns Reply.None.
Combines three Reply instances using the provided transform function. If any Reply has no reply yet (Reply.None), returns Reply.None.
Creates an EffectContext with the specified properties.
Generates an RetryFn for Exponential Backoff Strategy.
Returns the value of the Reply.Some instance, or the result of the default function if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).
Returns the value of the Reply.Some instance, or null if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).
Returns the value of the Reply.Some instance, or throws an error if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).
Transforms the value of the Reply.Some instance using the provided transform function, or returns Reply.None if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).
Returns the value of the Reply.Some instance, or the default value if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).