Package-level declarations


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Atom is a unit of state in Space.

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AtomRef holds a value derived from one or more Atom references as a block function.

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interface AtomSaver<T>

Interface for saving and restoring values to a Bundle.

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typealias AtomSaverKey = String
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class AtomScope

Provides a scope for creating Atoms that manage state in different AtomStores.

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interface AtomSelector

Interface for retrieving the value associated with the Atoms reference key.

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An interface for storing and retrieving atoms.


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@JvmName(name = "atomWithParcelable")
inline fun <T : Parcelable> atom(initialValue: T, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<T>

Creates an Atom using AtomSaverKey for Parcelable.

@JvmName(name = "atomWithSerializable")
inline fun <T : Serializable> atom(initialValue: T, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<T>

Creates an Atom using AtomSaverKey for Serializable.

@JvmName(name = "atomWithParcelableArrayList")
inline fun <T : Parcelable> atom(initialValue: ArrayList<T>, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<ArrayList<T>>

Creates an Atom using AtomSaverKey for ArrayList with Parcelable.

@JvmName(name = "atomWithParcelableArray")
inline fun <T : Parcelable> atom(initialValue: Array<T>, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<Array<T>>

Creates an Atom using AtomSaverKey for Array with Parcelable.

fun <T> atom(block: AtomSelector.() -> T): AtomRef<T>

Creates an AtomRef with the specified block function.

inline fun <T> atom(initialValue: T, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<T>

Creates an Atom using AtomSaverKey.

fun <T> atom(initialValue: T, saver: AtomSaver<T>? = null, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<T>

Creates an Atom.

@JvmName(name = "atomWithBundle")
inline fun atom(initialValue: Bundle, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<Bundle>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithArray")
inline fun <T> atom(initialValue: Array<T>, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<Array<T>>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithBooleanArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: BooleanArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<BooleanArray>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithByteArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: ByteArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<ByteArray>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithCharArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: CharArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<CharArray>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithDoubleArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: DoubleArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<DoubleArray>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithFloatArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: FloatArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<FloatArray>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithIntArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: IntArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<IntArray>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithLongArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: LongArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<LongArray>
@JvmName(name = "atomWithShortArray")
inline fun atom(initialValue: ShortArray, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<ShortArray>

@JvmName(name = "atomWithArrayList")
inline fun <T> atom(initialValue: ArrayList<T>, saverKey: AtomSaverKey, scope: AtomScope? = null): Atom<ArrayList<T>>

Creates an Atom using AtomSaverKey for ArrayList.

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Creates an AtomScope.

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inline fun <T> serializationSaver(key: AtomSaverKey, serializer: KSerializer<T> = serializer(), bundler: Bundler = Bundler): AtomSaver<T>

Create an AtomSaver for Kotlin Serialization.