
sealed class Loadable<out T> : DataModel<T>

Promise-like data structure that represents the state of a value that is being loaded.

Currently, this interface is intended for temporary use as a migration to queries. Useful when combining the query.compose.runtime package with other asynchronous processing.



The type of the value that has been loaded.



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data class Fulfilled<T>(val data: T) : Loadable<T>

Represents the state of a value that has been loaded.

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Represents the state of a value that is being loaded.

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data class Rejected(val error: Throwable) : Loadable<Nothing>

Represents the state of a value that has been rejected.


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abstract val error: Throwable?
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abstract val errorUpdatedAt: Long
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abstract val reply: Reply<T>
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abstract val replyUpdatedAt: Long


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open override fun isAwaited(): Boolean
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Returns a DataModel that represents no data.

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Returns a DataModel that represents pending data.