
data class InfiniteQueryRefreshErrorObject<T, S>(val reply: Reply<T>, val replyUpdatedAt: Long, val error: Throwable, val errorUpdatedAt: Long, val staleAt: Long, val fetchStatus: QueryFetchStatus, val isInvalidated: Boolean, val refresh: suspend () -> Unit, val loadMore: suspend (param: S) -> Unit, val loadMoreParam: S?) : InfiniteQueryObject<T, S>

A InfiniteQueryRefreshErrorObject represents the refresh error state of the InfiniteQueryObject.

This state is used when the data is successfully retrieved once, but an error occurs during the refresh or additional fetching.



Type of data to retrieve.


Type of parameter.


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constructor(reply: Reply<T>, replyUpdatedAt: Long, error: Throwable, errorUpdatedAt: Long, staleAt: Long, fetchStatus: QueryFetchStatus, isInvalidated: Boolean, refresh: suspend () -> Unit, loadMore: suspend (param: S) -> Unit, loadMoreParam: S?)


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open override val data: T

The return value from the data source. (Backward compatibility with QueryModel)

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open override val error: Throwable
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open override val errorUpdatedAt: Long
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open override val fetchStatus: QueryFetchStatus
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open val isFailure: Boolean
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open override val isInvalidated: Boolean
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open val isPending: Boolean
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open val isSuccess: Boolean
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open override val loadMore: suspend (param: S) -> Unit

Fetches data for the InfiniteQueryKey using the parameter.

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open override val loadMoreParam: S?

The parameter for next fetching. If null, it means there is no more data to fetch.

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open override val refresh: suspend () -> Unit

Refreshes the data.

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open override val reply: Reply<T>
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open override val replyUpdatedAt: Long
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open val revision: String
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open override val staleAt: Long
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open override val status: QueryStatus


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open override fun isAwaited(): Boolean
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open fun isPaused(currentAt: Long): Boolean
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open fun isStaled(currentAt: Long): Boolean