Package-level declarations
A mechanism to finely adjust the behavior of the query results on a component basis in Composable functions.
Configuration for the infinite query.
A InfiniteQueryLoadingErrorObject represents the initial loading error state of the InfiniteQueryObject.
A InfiniteQueryLoadingObject represents the initial loading state of the InfiniteQueryObject.
A InfiniteQueryObject represents QueryModels interface for infinite fetching data using a retrieval method known as "infinite scroll."
A mapper that converts QueryState to InfiniteQueryObject.
A recomposition optimizer for QueryState with QueryChunks.
A InfiniteQueryRefreshErrorObject represents the refresh error state of the InfiniteQueryObject.
A mechanism to finely adjust the behavior of the infinite-query on a component basis in Composable functions.
A InfiniteQuerySuccessObject represents the successful state of the InfiniteQueryObject.
Configuration for the mutation.
A MutationErrorObject represents the error state of the MutationObject.
A MutationIdleObject represents the initial idle state of the MutationObject.
A Mutation Loading Object represents the waiting execution result state of the Mutation Object.
A MutationObject represents MutationModels interface for mutating data.
A mapper that converts MutationState to MutationObject.
A recomposition optimizer for MutationState.
A mechanism to finely adjust the behavior of the mutation on a component basis in Composable functions.
A MutationSuccessObject represents the successful state of the MutationObject.
Configuration for the query.
A QueryLoadingErrorObject represents the initial loading error state of the QueryObject.
A QueryIdleObject represents the initial loading state of the QueryObject.
A QueryObject represents QueryModels interface for fetching data.
A mapper that converts QueryState to QueryObject.
A recomposition optimizer for QueryState.
A QueryRefreshErrorObject represents the refresh error state of the QueryObject.
A mechanism to finely adjust the behavior of the query on a component basis in Composable functions.
A QuerySuccessObject represents the successful state of the QueryObject.
Configuration for the subscription.
A SubscriptionErrorObject represents the error state of the SubscriptionObject.
A SubscriptionLoadingObject represents the initial loading state of the SubscriptionObject.
A SubscriptionObject represents SubscriptionModels interface for receiving data.
A mapper that converts SubscriptionState to SubscriptionObject.
A recomposition optimizer for SubscriptionState.
A mechanism to finely adjust the behavior of the subscription on a component basis in Composable functions.
A SubscriptionSuccessObject represents the successful state of the SubscriptionObject.
The default InfiniteQueryObjectMapper.
The default built-in strategy for Infinite Query built into the library.
The default MutationObjectMapper.
The default built-in strategy for Mutation built into the library.
The default QueryObjectMapper.
The default built-in strategy for Query built into the library.
The default SubscriptionObjectMapper.
The default built-in strategy for Subscription built into the library.
Option that performs no optimization.
Optimizer implementation for InfiniteQueryStrategy.Companion.Default.
Optimizer implementation for MutationStrategy.Companion.Default.
Optimizer implementation for QueryStrategy.Companion.Default.
Optimizer implementation for SubscriptionStrategy.Companion.Default.
CompositionLocal for MutationClient.
CompositionLocal for QueryClient.
CompositionLocal for SubscriptionClient.
CompositionLocal for SwrClient.
Creates a InfiniteQueryConfig with the provided initializer.
Creates a MutationConfig with the provided initializer.
Creates a QueryConfig with the provided initializer.
Remember a InfiniteQueryObject and subscribes to the query state of key.
Provides a conditional rememberInfiniteQuery.
Remember a MutationObject and subscribes to the mutation state of key.
Provides a conditional rememberMutation.
Remember a QueryObject and subscribes to the query state of key.
Remember a QueryObject and subscribes to the query state of keys.
Remember a QueryObject and subscribes to the query state of key1 and key2.
Remember a QueryObject and subscribes to the query state of key1, key2, and key3.
Provides a conditional rememberQuery.
Remember a SubscriptionObject and subscribes to the subscription state of key.
Provides a conditional rememberSubscription.
Creates a SubscriptionConfig with the provided initializer.
Provides a SwrClient to the content over LocalSwrClient
Provides a SwrClientPlus to the content over LocalSwrClient