
data class InfiniteQueryLoadingErrorObject<T, S>(val reply: Reply<T>, val replyUpdatedAt: Long, val error: Throwable, val errorUpdatedAt: Long, val staleAt: Long, val fetchStatus: QueryFetchStatus, val isInvalidated: Boolean, val refresh: suspend () -> Unit, val loadMore: suspend (param: S) -> Unit, val loadMoreParam: S?) : InfiniteQueryObject<T, S>

A InfiniteQueryLoadingErrorObject represents the initial loading error state of the InfiniteQueryObject.



Type of data to retrieve.


Type of parameter.


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constructor(reply: Reply<T>, replyUpdatedAt: Long, error: Throwable, errorUpdatedAt: Long, staleAt: Long, fetchStatus: QueryFetchStatus, isInvalidated: Boolean, refresh: suspend () -> Unit, loadMore: suspend (param: S) -> Unit, loadMoreParam: S?)


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open override val data: T?

The return value from the data source. (Backward compatibility with QueryModel)

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open override val error: Throwable
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open override val errorUpdatedAt: Long
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open override val fetchStatus: QueryFetchStatus
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open val isFailure: Boolean
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open override val isInvalidated: Boolean
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open val isPending: Boolean
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open val isSuccess: Boolean
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open override val loadMore: suspend (param: S) -> Unit

Fetches data for the InfiniteQueryKey using the parameter.

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open override val loadMoreParam: S?

The parameter for next fetching. If null, it means there is no more data to fetch.

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open override val refresh: suspend () -> Unit

Refreshes the data.

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open override val reply: Reply<T>
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open override val replyUpdatedAt: Long
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open val revision: String
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open override val staleAt: Long
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open override val status: QueryStatus


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open override fun isAwaited(): Boolean
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open fun isPaused(currentAt: Long): Boolean
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open fun isStaled(currentAt: Long): Boolean