
data object None : Reply<Nothing>


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Returns true if the reply is Reply.None.


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fun <T> Reply<T>.getOrElse(default: () -> T): T

Returns the value of the Reply.Some instance, or the result of the default function if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).

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fun <T> Reply<T>.getOrNull(): T?

Returns the value of the Reply.Some instance, or null if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).

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fun <T> Reply<T>.getOrThrow(): T

Returns the value of the Reply.Some instance, or throws an error if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).

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inline fun <T, R> Reply<T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): Reply<R>

Transforms the value of the Reply.Some instance using the provided transform function, or returns Reply.None if there is no reply yet (Reply.None).