
interface MutationModel<out T> : DataModel<T>

Data model for the state handled by MutationKey.

All data models related to mutations, implement this interface.



Type of the return value from the mutation.



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abstract val error: Throwable?

The error that occurred.

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abstract val errorUpdatedAt: Long

The timestamp when the error occurred.

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open val isFailure: Boolean

Returns true if the mutation is a failure, false otherwise.

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open val isIdle: Boolean

Returns true if the mutation is idle, false otherwise.

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open val isMutated: Boolean

Returns true if the mutation has been mutated, false otherwise.

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open val isPending: Boolean

Returns true if the mutation is pending, false otherwise.

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open val isSuccess: Boolean

Returns true if the mutation is successful, false otherwise.

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abstract val mutatedCount: Int

The number of times the mutation has been mutated.

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abstract val reply: Reply<T>

The return value from the data source.

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abstract val replyUpdatedAt: Long

The timestamp when the data was updated.

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open val revision: String

The revision of the currently snapshot.

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abstract val status: MutationStatus

The status of the mutation.

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open val submittedAt: Long

The timestamp when the mutation was submitted.


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open override fun isAwaited(): Boolean

Returns true if the MutationModel is awaited.