Package-level declarations
Implementation of MemoryPressure for Android.
Implementation of NetworkConnectivity for Android.
Implementation of WindowVisibility for Android.
Query command for InfiniteQueryKey.
Unique identifier for InfiniteQueryKey.
InfiniteQueryKey for managing Query associated with id.
A reference to an Query for InfiniteQueryKey.
Filter for invalidating queries.
Implementation of MemoryPressure for iOS.
Implementation of WindowVisibility for iOS.
Mutation as the base interface for an MutationClient implementations.
Mutation actions are used to update the mutation state.
A Mutation client, which allows you to make mutations actor and handle MutationKey.
Mutation command to handle mutation.
Unique identifier for MutationKey.
Interface for mutations key.
Data model for the state handled by MutationKey.
MutationNotifier is used to notify the mutation result.
MutationOptions providing settings related to the internal behavior of an Mutation.
Extension receiver for referencing external instances needed when executing mutate.
Builder for creating a MutationReceiver.
A reference to a Mutation for MutationKey.
State for managing the execution result of Mutation.
The status of the mutation.
Query as the base interface for an QueryClient implementations.
Query actions are used to update the query state.
Builder for creating a query cache.
A Query client, which allows you to make queries actor and handle QueryKey and InfiniteQueryKey.
Query command to handle query.
Interface for causing side effects on Query under the control of QueryClient.
Events occurring in the query.
The fetch status of the query.
Data model for the state handled by QueryKey or InfiniteQueryKey.
QueryOptions providing settings related to the internal behavior of an Query.
Interface for directly accessing retrieved Query data by QueryClient.
Extension receiver for referencing external instances needed when executing query.
Builder for creating a QueryReceiver.
A reference to an Query for QueryKey.
State for managing the execution result of Query.
The status of the query.
Filter for removing queries.
Filter for removing subscriptions.
Filter for resuming queries.
Filter for resuming subscriptions.
Subscription as the base interface for an SubscriptionClient implementations.
Subscription actions are used to update the subscription state.
Builder for creating a subscription cache.
A Subscription client, which allows you to make subscriptions actor and handle SubscriptionKey.
Subscription command to handle subscription.
Interface for causing side effects on Subscription under the control of SubscriptionClient.
Events occurring in the subscription.
Unique identifier for SubscriptionKey.
SubscriptionKey for managing Subscription associated with id.
Data model for the state handled by SubscriptionKey.
SubscriptionOptions providing settings related to the internal behavior of an Subscription.
Interface for directly accessing retrieved Subscription data by SubscriptionClient.
Extension receiver for referencing external instances needed when receiving subscription.
A reference to an Subscription for SubscriptionKey.
State for managing the execution result of Subscription.
The received status of the subscription.
Implementation of the SwrClient interface.
An enhanced version of SwrCache that integrates SwrClientPlus into SwrCache.
Policy for the SwrCachePlus.
CoroutineScope with limited concurrency for SwrCache and SwrCachePlus.
An all-in-one SwrClient integrating MutationClient and QueryClient for library users.
An enhanced version of SwrClient that integrates SubscriptionClient into SwrClient.
Builder for creating a QueryReceiver and MutationReceiver.
Builder for creating a QueryReceiver, MutationReceiver and SubscriptionReceiver.
Implementation of NetworkConnectivity for WasmJs.
Implementation of WindowVisibility for WasmJs.
Returns the data of all chunks.
Gets the QueryEffectClient from the EffectContext.
Gets the SubscriptionEffectClient from the EffectContext.
Builds a list of chunks using the provided builderAction.
Function for building implementations of InfiniteQueryKey using Kotlin Delegation.
Function for building implementations of MutationKey using Kotlin Delegation.
Function for building implementations of QueryKey using Kotlin Delegation.
Function for building implementations of SubscriptionKey using Kotlin Delegation.
Copies the current MutationOptions with the specified settings.
Copies the current SubscriptionOptions with the specified settings.
Copies the current QueryOptions with the specified settings.
Creates a MutationReducer function.
Creates a QueryReducer function.
Creates a SubscriptionReducer function.
Dispatches the result of fetching data for the InfiniteQueryKey.
Dispatches the fetch failure.
Dispatches the fetch result.
Dispatches the fetch success.
Dispatches the mutate failure.
Dispatches the mutation result.
Dispatches the mutate success.
Dispatches the failure result of the subscription.
Dispatches the success result of the subscription.
Dispatches the result of the subscription.
Dispatches the result of revalidating data for the InfiniteQueryKey.
Returns an empty list of chunks.
Fetches the data.
Fetches data for the InfiniteQueryKey using the value of variable.
Creates a new InfiniteQueryRef instance.
Merges multiple QueryState instances into a single QueryState instance.
Modifies the data of all chunks that match the condition.
Creates a new MutationOptions with the specified settings.
Creates a MutationReceiver using the provided builder.
Creates a new MutationRef instance.
Creates a new query cache.
Creates a new QueryOptions with the specified settings.
Creates a QueryReceiver using the provided builder.
Reports the query error.
Reports the subscription error.
Revalidates the data for the InfiniteQueryKey using the value of chunks.
Determines whether a fetch operation is necessary based on the current state.
Determines whether a mutation operation is necessary based on the current state.
Determines whether query processing needs to be paused based on error.
Creates a new subscription cache.
Creates a new SubscriptionOptions with the specified settings.
Creates a new SubscriptionRef instance.
Create a new SwrCachePlusPolicy instance with a receiver builder.
Creates a new instance of SwrCachePlusPolicy.
Create a new SwrCachePolicy instance with a receiver builder.
Create a new SwrCachePolicy instance.
Executes the specified block with the QueryEffectClient.
Creates an EffectContext with the specified SubscriptionEffectClient.