
interface Context<T>

Context for query command.



Type of the return value from the query.


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abstract val dispatch: QueryDispatch<T>
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abstract val options: QueryOptions
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abstract val receiver: QueryReceiver
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abstract val relay: QueryErrorRelay?
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abstract val state: QueryModel<T>


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inline suspend fun <T, S> QueryCommand.Context<QueryChunks<T, S>>.dispatchFetchChunksResult(key: InfiniteQueryKey<T, S>, variable: S, marker: Marker, noinline callback: QueryCallback<QueryChunks<T, S>>?)

Dispatches the result of fetching data for the InfiniteQueryKey.

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Dispatches the fetch failure.

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inline suspend fun <T> QueryCommand.Context<T>.dispatchFetchResult(key: QueryKey<T>, marker: Marker, noinline callback: QueryCallback<T>?)

Dispatches the fetch result.

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Dispatches the fetch success.

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inline suspend fun <T, S> QueryCommand.Context<QueryChunks<T, S>>.dispatchRevalidateChunksResult(key: InfiniteQueryKey<T, S>, chunks: QueryChunks<T, S>, marker: Marker, noinline callback: QueryCallback<QueryChunks<T, S>>?)

Dispatches the result of revalidating data for the InfiniteQueryKey.

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suspend fun <T> QueryCommand.Context<T>.fetch(key: QueryKey<T>, retryFn: RetryFn<T> = options.exponentialBackOff(onRetry = onRetryCallback( Result<T>

Fetches the data.

suspend fun <T, S> QueryCommand.Context<QueryChunks<T, S>>.fetch(key: InfiniteQueryKey<T, S>, variable: S, retryFn: RetryFn<T> = options.exponentialBackOff(onRetry = onRetryCallback( Result<T>

Fetches data for the InfiniteQueryKey using the value of variable.

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Reports the query error.

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Revalidates the data for the InfiniteQueryKey using the value of chunks.

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fun <T> QueryCommand.Context<T>.shouldFetch(revision: String? = null): Boolean

Determines whether a fetch operation is necessary based on the current state.

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Determines whether query processing needs to be paused based on error.