
An enhanced version of SwrCache that integrates SwrClientPlus into SwrCache.


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constructor(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope)
constructor(policy: SwrCachePlusPolicy)


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The default mutation options.

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The default query options.

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The default subscription options.

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open override val errorRelay: Flow<ErrorRecord>

Provides a unified feedback mechanism for all Query/Mutation errors that occur within the client.


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open override fun gc(level: MemoryPressureLevel)

Releases data in memory based on the specified level.

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open override fun <T, S> getInfiniteQuery(key: InfiniteQueryKey<T, S>, marker: Marker): InfiniteQueryRef<T, S>

Gets the InfiniteQueryRef by the specified InfiniteQueryKey.

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open override fun <T, S> getInfiniteQueryData(id: InfiniteQueryId<T, S>): QueryChunks<T, S>?

Retrieves data of the InfiniteQueryKey associated with the id.

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open override fun <T, S> getMutation(key: MutationKey<T, S>, marker: Marker): MutationRef<T, S>

Gets the MutationRef by the specified MutationKey.

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open override fun <T> getQuery(key: QueryKey<T>, marker: Marker): QueryRef<T>

Gets the QueryRef by the specified QueryKey.

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open override fun <T> getQueryData(id: QueryId<T>): T?

Retrieves data of the QueryKey associated with the id.

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open override fun <T> getSubscription(key: SubscriptionKey<T>, marker: Marker): SubscriptionRef<T>

Gets the SubscriptionRef by the specified SubscriptionKey.

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open override fun invalidateQueries(filter: InvalidateQueriesFilter)

Invalidates the queries by the specified InvalidateQueriesFilter.

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open override fun <U : UniqueId> invalidateQueriesBy(vararg ids: U)

Invalidates the queries by the specified UniqueId.

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open override fun onMount(id: String)

Executes initialization procedures based on events.

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open override fun onUnmount(id: String)

Executes cleanup procedures based on events.

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open override fun perform(sideEffects: QueryEffect): Job

Executes side effects for queries.

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open override fun <T, S> prefetchInfiniteQuery(key: InfiniteQueryKey<T, S>, marker: Marker): Job

Prefetches the infinite query by the specified InfiniteQueryKey.

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open override fun <T> prefetchQuery(key: QueryKey<T>, marker: Marker): Job

Prefetches the query by the specified QueryKey.

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open override fun removeQueries(filter: RemoveQueriesFilter)

Removes the queries by the specified RemoveQueriesFilter.

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open override fun <U : UniqueId> removeQueriesBy(vararg ids: U)

Removes the queries by the specified UniqueId.

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open override fun resumeQueries(filter: ResumeQueriesFilter)

Resumes the queries by the specified ResumeQueriesFilter.

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open override fun <U : UniqueId> resumeQueriesBy(vararg ids: U)

Resumes the queries by the specified UniqueId.

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open override fun <T, S> updateInfiniteQueryData(id: InfiniteQueryId<T, S>, edit: QueryChunks<T, S>.() -> QueryChunks<T, S>)

Updates the data of the InfiniteQueryKey associated with the id.

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open override fun <T> updateQueryData(id: QueryId<T>, edit: T.() -> T)

Updates the data of the QueryKey associated with the id.