
sealed interface QueryAction<out T>

Query actions are used to update the query state.



Type of the return value from the query.



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data class FetchFailure(val error: Throwable, val errorUpdatedAt: Long, val paused: QueryFetchStatus.Paused? = null) : QueryAction<Nothing>

Indicates that the query has failed.

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data class Fetching(val isInvalidated: Boolean? = null) : QueryAction<Nothing>

Indicates that the query is fetching data.

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data class FetchSuccess<T>(val data: T, val dataUpdatedAt: Long, val dataStaleAt: Long) : QueryAction<T>

Indicates that the query is successful.

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data class ForceUpdate<T>(val data: T, val dataUpdatedAt: Long) : QueryAction<T>

Forces the query to update the data.

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Invalidates the query.