Creates a new instance of SwrCachePlusPolicy.
CoroutineScope for coroutines executed on the SwrCachePlus.
CoroutineDispatcher for the main thread.
Default MutationOptions applied to Mutation.
Extension receiver for referencing external instances needed when executing mutate.
Default QueryOptions applied to Query.
Extension receiver for referencing external instances needed when executing fetch.
Management of cached data for inactive Query instances.
Default SubscriptionOptions applied to Subscription.
Extension receiver for referencing external instances needed when executing subscribe.
Management of cached data for inactive Subscription instances.
Factory for creating a soil.query.core.BatchScheduler.
Relay for error handling.
Management of memory pressure.
Management of network connectivity.
Duration after which the network resumes.
Filter for resuming queries after a network error.
Management of window visibility.
Filter for resuming queries after a window focus.